Monday, October 21, 2013

Who's Dog - Day One

Life is sure different today!  These people I've never met picked me up and put me in the back of this big noisy thing called a car.  Then it started moving!  Luckily there were lots of blankets in the back, so pretty quickly, I figured out that everything was easier if I just laid down.  I had to rough up the blankets to get them "just so", then I put my little head down and took a nap!

We got "home" (whatever THAT is) and I pranced up two steps all by myself.  And I have two other greyhounds who seem to want to be my friends.  We'll see how that goes.  And they have a whole box of soft fluffy toys that squeak.  Today I'm kind of scared of them - the dogs and the stuffies.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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